Business and economics

The State of the Commons, 2003

stateofthecommons thumb

ALL AMERICANS are joint owners of a trove of hidden assets. These assets — natural gifts like air and water, and social creations like science and the Internet — constitute our shared inheritance. The trouble is, our common wealth — and our children’s — is being squandered.

State of the Commons 2003

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The Pollution Dividend

The American Prospect, November 16, 2001

THE ALASKA Permanent Fund hasn’t attracted much attention in the Lower 48—but it should.  For citizens of all states are about to inherit another gift of nature worth trillions of dollars.  And hardly anyone is talking about it.

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Welfare Is Integral to Our System

Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1995

SOME POLITICIANS say that ending welfare will improve the character of those who depend on it—make them think twice about having kids, getting divorced or just being lazy.

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Do Good Ethics Ensure Good Profits?

Business and Society Review, Summer 1989

TO BE ETHICAL as a business because it may increase your profits is to do so for entirely the wrong reason.  The ethical business must be ethical because it wants to be ethical.

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What ever happened to the National Cooperative Bank?

Self-distributed, 1986

WHEN the National Cooperative Bank was created by Congress in 1978, it was the object of some modest hopes.  With offices thoughout the country, it would be a source of capital for new and sometimes risky cooperatives that were shunned by conventional lenders.  A decade later, is a go-go…

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Confessions of a Socialist Entrepreneur

The Washington Monthly, October 1983

SEVEN years ago, at the age of 34, I decided to become a socialist entrepreneur.  It seemed like a logical calling to pursue.  As a jour­nalist, I’d flung my share of arrows at the big corporations.  But if the left rejected corporate capitalism, we had to show there are some workable alternatives.

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Unearned Income

The New Republic, June 14, 1975

NOT LONG AGO a West Coast bank president men­tioned to me that a piece of land he had purchased along- side a new state highway had doubled in value in a few years.  His windfall is an example of what John Stuart Mill called the “unearned increment.”

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